Enhancing Peer Assessment and Engagement in Online IELTS Writing Course through a Teacher’s Multifaceted Approach and AI Integration

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA of Applied Linguistics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Doctoral Student Curriculum & Instruction Department of Education


This study explores the integration of a teacher’s multifaceted approach to enhance peer assessment and engagement in online IELTS writing courses framed within the TEC-VARIETY framework. The objective is to assess how structured writing instruction, peer review, and personalized feedback via the Perplexity AI application can transform the peer review process and promote collaborative learning among upper-intermediate ESL learners. In a 12-session online workshop, participants engaged in a structured peer review protocol focused on argumentative essays. The teacher provided comprehensive instruction on essential essay components, enabling students to deliver meaningful feedback. Following peer reviews, Perplexity AI facilitated personalized feedback, fostering deeper reflection and inquiry-based learning. Qualitative analyses of participant experiences and writing performance revealed significant peer assessment and engagement improvements. The findings offer insights for educators on leveraging technology and innovative pedagogical strategies to enhance writing instruction in online environments. This research contributes to the literature on peer assessment and collaborative engagement, highlighting the importance of a multifaceted teaching approach within the TEC-VARIETY framework to improve student outcomes in digital education contexts.


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