Peer Review Process

Peer Review Guidelines

The journal has a rigorous reviewing procedure. Each submitted paper is first evaluated for its style consistency and appropriacy of the topic after being checked for plagiarism. If the document appears incorrect or inappropriate, it is returned to the author for more work. The author is provided with specific feedback and guidance on what changes are needed. Once the revisions are made, the paper can be resubmitted. At least two members of the editorial and advisory boards, as well as outside reviewers, assess the papers after they have met the original submission requirements. Based on the opinions provided to the Editor in Chief by the board members and anonymous reviewers, a final decision is made regarding the status of the work. The Managing Editor will then inform the corresponding author of the final decision: Accept as it is, Accept with minor modifications, Accept with major changes, Revise and Resubmit as a new work, or Reject. Contributing authors may expect a decision within 4-6 months after submission (at the latest), and the Journal team works hard to keep the review process as brief and reasonable as feasible.

Accepted papers will be placed into issues after waiting in line. This waiting period is due to the volume of submissions we receive and the backlog of accepted papers, which we are constantly working to reduce. Contributing writers should be aware that they could have to wait up to three months for their work to be published in an issue. Authors of accepted papers grant the Journal and RAZI University. Press the exclusive right to publish their works online at the Journal website. While readers can download published articles and use them for academic or investigating purposes, they cannot be reproduced in any form or venue without the Publisher's prior written consent.