Aims and Scope

Technology Assisted Language Education (TALE) aims to publish articles that improve our understanding of language acquisition through technology. Manuscripts that do not emphasize language acquisition or place it inferior will not be considered. To be considered for publication in TALE journal, submitted articles must satisfy specific criteria as follow:

  • Focus on language learning and acquisition and provide a robust theoretical foundation.
  • Follow a rigorous research methodology supported by a solid theoretical foundation.
  • Extend previous research in the field by including a sufficient number of up-to-date citations to relevant publications, especially those from TALE.
  • Examine experimental and observational methods instead of relying solely on systematic literature reviews, surveys, or pilot studies.
  • The abstract should contain a clear justification for using technology and a solid argument supporting the research question.
  • Have implications for language acquisition that extend beyond the context in which the study was conducted, demonstrating the potential for broader applicability and generalizability.