Collaborative Reflective Learning through Guided Peer-videoing: A Case Study of In-service EFL Teachers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Razi University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Over a year, the study examined five in-service EFL teachers in a private English Institute in an Iranian EFL context. They engaged in a continuing professional development program launched by their supervisor using reflective video-mediated practices and journal writing. The participant teachers, chosen based on their educational background and experiences, engaged in a series of discussions guided by their supervisor for about 20 sessions over four consecutive semesters. The data for the study was collected through observation of their video-mediated teaching practices, audio-recorded focal group discussions, audio-recorded interviews, and their reflective journals on a Telegram group. The findings indicated that the participants developed more critical reflection towards their teaching practices, reconceptualized their views of teaching concepts and practices, and reshaped their professional identity continuously on a sustainable basis. As a longitudinal case study, the findings have significant implications for private EFL school administrators, providing valuable insights to reconsider their continuing professional development strategies. Consequently, it has valuable implications for training in-service EFL teachers at private EFL institutes.


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