Investigating the Effect of Screencast-based Ipsative Assessment on EFL Students’ Writing Performance, Writing Self-regulation and Writing Self-efficacy

Document Type : Original Article


1 English Language and Literature Department, Razi University

2 Professor of Applied Linguistics, Razi University


Screencast technology in English writing assessment offers personalized, detailed feedback, but not dialogic. However, integrating it with ipsative assessment principles can sustain a dialogue between teachers and learners on students' writing development. This study investigated the impact of Screencast-based Ipsative Assessment (SIA) on developing students' writing skills, writing self-regulation, and writing self-efficacy in an Iranian foreign language-teaching context. Screencast technology recorded teachers' feedback and facilitated students' access to and reflection on their previous works. A quantitative research design was used to collect and analyze the data to examine the effect of this approach on the development of the participants' writing skills, writing self-regulation, and writing self-efficacy. The findings revealed that SIA enhanced participants' writing performance and made them self-regulated and self-efficacious in their writing skills. The findings suggest that English teachers can utilize screencast technology for precise, detailed, ipsative feedback in an IA regime. SIA procedures can promote student self-assessment and facilitate teacher and writer communication. This interaction allows them to clarify doubts and strategize their next steps in the writing journey.


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