Investigating the Impact of Multimedia and Mobile Applications in English Language Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Al-Mustaqbal University, Iraq

2 Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics, Al Mustaqbal University, Iraq.


The integration of interactive technology and multimedia in language education has the potential to revolutionize the teaching of the English language. This research investigates the impact of interactive technology, including multimedia and mobile applications, on second language learning. While existing research has explored the use of interactive technology in language learning, there is a need for a comprehensive review that synthesizes the current evidence and addresses the gaps in the literature. This research seeks to fill this gap by thoroughly analyzing the benefits and challenges associated with technology integration in language education. The study will critically analyze current experiments and studies in this area to provide a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with technology integration in language learning. Furthermore, the research will discuss teaching strategies for English language instruction using interactive technology and identify the potential benefits of these approaches in enhancing students' reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The significance of this research lies in its potential to inform educators, researchers, and policymakers about the impact of interactive technology on second language learning. The findings of this research are expected to have implications for educators, researchers, and policymakers in the field of language education. This study aims to inform the development of practical language education practices that integrate technology in a meaningful and impactful manner. It also seeks to provide insights that can guide the implementation of technology-enhanced language learning programs.


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