Transformative Applications of Technology in English Language Education: A literature review over the last two decades

Document Type : Original Article


English Language Department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


This review article explores the transformative role of technology in English language teaching (ELT) by reviewing the relevant previously published literature over the past two decades. It provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of technology on various aspects of ELT, including language learning, teaching methodologies, assessment practices, learner autonomy, and teacher professional development. The article synthesizes current research and highlights the potential benefits and challenges of integrating technology into the language learning environment. The study’s findings revealed that technology-assisted language learning methods have positively impacted learning outcomes. Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has been shown to enhance language acquisition, particularly in vocabulary acquisition and grammar proficiency. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has been found to improve learner autonomy and engagement due to its accessibility. Studies have shown that gamification would increase learner motivation and engagement by providing an interactive and enjoyable learning experience. Virtual reality offers immersive and authentic language learning experiences, enhancing learners’ speaking and listening skills. Lastly, artificial intelligence has shown promise in providing personalized and adaptive language learning experiences, with chatbots being practical tools for language practice and feedback. Chatbots differentiate themselves from existing tools by leveraging AI technology, providing human-like interaction, offering accessibility, delivering personalized feedback, and being user-friendly, which teachers and students use to improve language skills. By incorporating these technological approaches into their teaching, English language teachers can create dynamic and interactive learning environments, promote learner autonomy, and enhance language acquisition outcomes


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