Transforming EFL Lesson Planning with 'To Teach AI': Insights from Teachers' Perspectives

Document Type : Original Article


1 Azad Islamic University

2 Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Colorado Denver U.S.

3 Ph.D. candidate in Eduation Montana State University


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming education, but its application in English as a foreign language (EFL) lesson planning requires further investigation. Addressing this gap, this single-case study investigates the potential of "To Teach AI," an advanced AI tool, to enhance lesson planning and personalize learning experiences. The study involved 14 Iranian EFL teachers who participated in a professional development workshop on "AI Integration in Lesson Planning." Semi-structured interviews captured qualitative data on teachers’ experiences and perceptions of the platform. Thematic analysis revealed that "To Teach AI" facilitated more effective and efficient lesson planning by enabling teachers to tailor instruction to individual student needs, reduce planning time, and create engaging activities aligned with learning objectives. However, challenges such as the need for teacher training, adequate infrastructure, and addressing concerns about data privacy and over-reliance on technology were also identified. These findings provide valuable insights for EFL educators, teacher trainers, and researchers. The study highlights the potential of AI to transform lesson planning while emphasizing the importance of preparing teachers to integrate such tools effectively. By addressing both opportunities and challenges, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of AI-assisted lesson planning in EFL contexts.


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