Exploring Iraqi EFL Learners` Perceptions of Online Learning

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Razi Universityersity

2 Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Online learning has enabled students from different geographical areas to engage with academic institutions and other students online, and to learn at their own pace while working toward a degree or certificate. Therefore, it is important to check whether online learning meets students` educational expectations. The main aim of this descriptive study is to examine the perceptions of EFL students toward online classes in Iraq. In so doing, it focuses on the views of Southern Iraqi students because their conservative environment has limited their access to online learning until recently. The researchers used an adapted questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to investigate EFL learners` perceptions of the benefits and drawbacks of online learning and to determine their challenges in online learning. The findings of this study could motivate EFL practitioners to understand the factors that facilitate or impede conducting online courses in South of Iraq. Also, it can add an insightful understanding of the existing literature on the application of technology and the use of online classes among Southern Iraqi students learning English as a foreign language.


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