Iranian EFL Teachers' Perceptions toward Technology Integration, TPACK, Attitudes toward Technology, and School Climate: The Case of Public Schools Versus Private Institutes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of English Language and Linguistics, Razi university, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Department of English Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


The current study is an endeavor to examine Iranian EFL teachers' perceptions toward implementing ICTs, TPACK, school climate and attitudes toward technology in two major educational contexts (i.e., public schools and private institutes). To that end, data were collected from a total number of 120 EFL teachers providing services in either public schools or private institutes. The results from applying independent samples t-test indicated significant differences between the two contexts regarding the teachers' perceptions about their educational climate and the technology integration trends provided in each. Also established is the notable difference between the two contexts indicating that teachers working in private institutes carried more positive perceptions toward implementing technological advancements compared to their public school counterparts. In contrast, no significant difference was detected in terms of the participants’ TPACK and attitudes toward technology. The findings are discussed in light of the available literature and suggestions for further research are provided.


Main Subjects

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