The Effectiveness of Flipped Learning Approach on Learners' Writing Skill Development: A Meta-analysis

Document Type : Original Article


Department of English Language , Qaenat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaenat, Iran


The flipped classroom (FC), known as a hybrid approach, combines online instruction with face-to-face, traditional classroom activities. The present meta-analysis aimed to investigate the magnitude of the effectiveness of the flipped learning approach on learners' writing skill development. To this aim, a total sample of 24 studies satisfied the inclusion criteria and was analyzed. The overall mean effect size was found to be +1.11, revealing that the flipped learning approach had a strongly positive effect on the learners' writing skill development. The distribution of effect sizes in the present meta-analysis was heterogeneous. To explore the sources of variation between effect sizes across studies, moderator analyses were run. Findings further suggested that heterogeneity between effect size values in this meta-analysis was influenced by the difference in learners' proficiency level, sample size of the classes, and duration of the flipped program. In contrast, other variables did not contribute to the production of heterogeneity among effect sizes.


Main Subjects

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