Personalizing Learning through Technology in EFL Context

Document Type : Original Article


1 Babylon University, Iraq

2 Babylon University


Technology has revolutionized the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, offering innovative ways to personalize learning and enhance student engagement. The efficacy of technology in language instruction has been demonstrated, including its capacity to serve as a source of motivation and facilitate authentic learning. This study explores how various technological tools and platforms can be utilized to create individualized learning experiences for ESL students. Adaptive learning platforms like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone tailor lessons to individual proficiency levels, providing immediate feedback and customized learning paths. Gamified tools such as Kahoot! and Quizlet engage students through interactive quizzes and games, reinforcing language concepts in a fun and motivating way. Nevertheless, there are still drawbacks to utilizing technology in the classroom. Students may become readily distracted and may misuse the technology. In addition, the potential for students to consider critically may be restricted by their frequent use of technology. This study also addresses personal learning potential drawbacks, including access and equity issues, over-reliance on technology, privacy and data security concerns, technical issues, and the variability in content quality. The digital divide remains a significant challenge, as not all students have equal access to technological resources. Balancing the integration of technology with traditional teaching methods and addressing these challenges is essential for maximizing the benefits of technology in EFL education. By doing so, educators can create more engaging, effective, and equitable learning experiences for all EFL students.


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