Investigating gender and experience effects on EFL learners' perceptions of Mobile assisted language learning

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Applied Linguistics, Razi University

2 Department of English, Razi university, Kermanshah, Iran


English has widely used mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) English as a foreign language (EFL) learner to enhance their language learning experience. Although previous studies investigated various factors impacting learners’ perceptions of MALL and its usefulness, the role of demographic features and their influence on learners’ perceptions of MALL has been under-researched. Accordingly, this study examined the impact of experience and gender on learners’ perceptions of MALL and their perceived MALL usefulness. Data were collected from 190 EFL learners attending English language learning courses in the educational context of Iran. Univariate analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA) was employed to analyze the data. As the results indicated, there was a significant relationship between the experience of the language learners and their perceptions of MALL usefulness. More precisely, the more the learners experience using smartphones for language learning, the more positive their perceptions of MALL’s usefulness will be. The study’s results were analyzed in light of the available literature, and suggestions for further research were provided.


Main Subjects