Technology-Mediated Instruction and Learners’ Vocabulary Development: PowerPoint Presentation vs. Telegram

Document Type : Original Article


1 Allameh Mohaddes Nouri University

2 English Department, Allameh Mohaddes Nouri University


Language development in the current educational context is highly affected by the sky-rocketing spread of technology for educational purposes. The present study attempted to investigate the differential effects of teaching with PowerPoint vs. Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL)-based teaching via Telegram on L2 learners’ vocabulary improvement. Based on an Oxford Placement Test results, 60 participants were divided into two experimental groups exposed to PowerPoint presentations and Telegram-based tutorials, respectively, and one control group received no technology-mediated vocabulary instruction. Results of ANOVA analysis revealed that technology-mediated instruction through PowerPoint slides and MALL improved learners' L2 vocabulary knowledge significantly. Additionally, MALL instruction was found to be more effective than PowerPoint instruction. On the implication side, it is suggested that both PowerPoint and telegram devices can be beneficial for teaching and learning the language sub-skills while creating a more enjoyable and interactive learning environment.
